Experiment One: FInal Submission

This is a full shot of the above and below ground gallery and studios. Ai Weiwei's studio is above ground and closely correlates to the keyword 'Simplicity', whereas Stelarc's studio is below the mountainous terrain and lake, and its key theme is 'connectivity'.
This is a close up of Ai Weiwei's above ground gallery and studio space. The studio is quite open and exposed, overlooking the river and mountains. In the middle right is a small pool, and above that is a deck.

This is an extreme close up of Stelarc's below-ground gallery. The larger steps can be used as seating areas to observe Stelarc's artwork. The use of custom textures can also be seen on the steps.

Upon looking back at this final design and comparing it to the original section drawn in week one, we can see both differences and similarities. The original section makes use of triangular structures overlapping one another, and this has distinct similarities to that of the final model. The below-ground layers also follows the original concept of 'connectivity'. However, it can be seen that as the model design progressed, alterations and improvements were made, to create a more spacious and interactive feel. In terms of colours, Ai Weiwei's above ground gallery and studio is generally much more vivid and colourful as to highlight the use of angles and depth and also to create a more laid-back feel. Whereas, Stelarc's below-ground studio is more controlled and dull- looking in comparison, to reflect the nature of his various artworks such as an artificial hand.