Gehry House: Part b

Study Models

Public vs private zones

This is a simple conceptual model representing the logical division of public to private zones in the Gehry house. I studied this through the level of light penetration in each layer of the house. White: semi-public, brown: semi-private and black: private

Framing and extension of views through openings

Through this close-up of view from the living room, it is clear that there are many narratives and multiple fields of vision in approaching this house. 
View from the corner window
Here is a simple sketch expanding the notion of views as being multilayered. The first sketch is the approach from the kitchen.

Structure and Materiality

Here i tried to modelling the render and cladding that existed in the original bungalow. This was to  study the changes and enhancements made possible by the removal of the original finishes to the house

By revealing the structural skeleton of the house and retaining its "construction" phase, Gehry was able to capture the idea that the building is an on-going process- as is life.